By: Daniel C. Finley

Where There is A Will, There is A Way

Most advisors/agents at some point in their careers find themselves doubting their own ability to get to the next level in their business. A common phrase about self-doubt that I hear all too often from my coaching clients is, “I should be further along in my business by now. I don’t know how I’m every going to get to where I want to be.”

The problem with this “philosophy” is that the advisor/agent is choosing doubt over discipline which results in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Elon Musk said it best, “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

The key to conquering self-doubt is to have a proven and disciplined strategy. Start by answering the question, “Why do I want to succeed?” which will help you understand what your motivation is. Then, ask the question, “Who do I know that has been at my level of success and reached the next level?” Next ask that person, “What did you do to reach that next level?” Then follow their lead by incorporating what worked for them into what you do, acknowledging that you may need to modify or tweak to make it a fit for you.

The following is a step-by-step process that I have utilized with one of my veteran financial advisor clients to conquer his self-doubt and initiate the necessary actions to achieve a new level of success.

Step 1: Know Your Why

The first step is to articulate your “why”, why you desire to reach higher. Unfortunately, most advisors/agents don’t take the time to define their inner drive. It is vital to take some dedicated time to get at the heart of what motivates you.

Peter K. had 25+ years of experience in the financial services industry and he confessed to me that he was unmotivated. He had a thriving practice and by most accounts was considered successful. However, he oftentimes questioned why he was even in the business after all of these years as he just wasn’t passionate about it anymore.

When he began his business, he was seeking to become financially independent. After achieving that goal, he found it more and more difficult to stay motivated. That is until we had a coaching session and he came to the conclusion that he wanted to help family, friends and clients become financially independent as well.

Step 2: Model Your Mentor

The second step is to know what you need to do and find a way to integrate that into your daily systems. As stated earlier, finding a mentor who has overcome the same or similar challenges as you have is imperative.

Although Peter knew how to help his clients build wealth, he had never approached the subject of “why” it was so important to him that they experience financial freedom. Also, he rarely worked with friends and family because he didn’t want to jeopardize those relationships if their investments lost money. One of his first mentors was Bob L., who after 48 years was still passionate about helping others.

Step 3: Schedule Your Success.

The third step is to stick to a daily routine that supports success by scheduling what you are going to do and when you are going to do it.

After meeting with Bob, Peter quickly realized that he needed to have a heart-to-heart talk with clients, family and friends to explain that his mission was to help them become financially independent. He scheduled the first hour of each business day to be devoted to spreading his message. It didn’t take long before his calendar filled up with appointments. He also expanded his service suite to include insurance and estate planning experts to round out his client’s total wealth planning. By doing these things, he conquered his self-doubt and reignited his passion and purpose!

Why Having Tenacity Works

When you find your passion and purpose it greatly encourages living up to your potential. The reason why having tenacity works is because it’s a driving force. Without it, it is a challenge to find yourself with successful outcomes.

So, the next time you find yourself filled with self-doubt follow this process and you will find that your will to find a way is stronger than your unwillingness to change!

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