By: Daniel C. Finley

Finding Your Business Red Flags

Do you want to take your business to the next level but are unsure how? The answer might lie in identifying its red flags. Here is what I mean.

It’s probably no surprise that a “red flag” symbolizes danger. As you know, red means “stop” when you look at a stoplight. But you might not know that your business could be telling you to stop doing certain activities. You might need to start doing other activities but don’t see the signs.

A “red flag” in your business is any activity or lack of activity producing a negative effect in the short, intermediate, or long term. With that said, you probably have a number of red flags or at least clear warning signs of danger in your business that are holding you back from reaching the next level of success. But, if you don’t know what they are, then you will never be able to overcome them.

Let’s examine three of the most common red flags advisors and agents often experience.

Red Flag #1: The Fear of Rejection

Your relationship to rejection can make or break your business. If you view rejection as a natural part of the sales process, you don’t care if you are rejected and you keep on prospecting. But, if you take rejection personally, you stop prospecting because it’s painful.

I believe this challenge has been the biggest cause of advisors and agents washing out of the business because they have this challenge and haven’t overcome it. Or, in many cases, ignore it and don’t address is! Instead, they let their fear of rejection stop them from prospecting; as a result, they don’t get past the survival stage.

The solution is to understand (what I call) “The Art of Rejection Perception,” which is that your perception of what you believe rejection is dictates the value you place upon it. Take, for example, if you believe that prospects are rejecting you personally. Then, rejection would feel painful to you. However, if you believe that prospects are merely rejecting the value they perceive you can bring them, then you learn how to show more value.

If this resonates with you, use the following four-step process to become rejection-proof.

  1. Embrace Rejection- simply view it as a natural part of the sales process.
  2. Get Desensitized- make a game out of how many times you can get rejected.
  3. Get Curious- ask why they are not interested. They will tell you.
  4. Increase Value- strive to be better at explaining the value you can bring them.

Remember, once you conquer “The Fear of Rejection,” you won’t let anything hold you back from prospecting and ultimately will grow your business!

Red Flag #2: No Motivation

Unlike “The Fear of Rejection,” which would stop you from wanting to prospect, a lack of motivation or no motivation at all stops you from wanting to do anything in the business! Many advisors and agents face this at some point in their careers when they are feeling burned out.

This challenge is that if you have little to no motivation, you will have little to no success. That is a big red flag because you only have so much time before you run out of time and are forced by the company you work for or yourself to quit the business.

The solution is (what I refer to as) “Mastering Motivation and Momentum,” which is the following four-step process:

  1. Diminish the Pain- don’t view any task as painful. It’s just something you do.
  2. Increase the pleasure-view taking action as more fun than not taking action.
  3. Action Alleviates Anxiety-understand that taking action decreases anxiety.
  4. Success Breeds Success-know that each win creates a snowball of success.

Remember, once you master your motivation, it fuels your activity!

Red Flag #3: No Time

Now, if you find yourself saying, “I just don’t have enough time,” you have this red flag in your business. And here is why.

We are all given the same amount of time. It is how we use the time that we have; that’s what’s most important, being busy to be busy isn’t enough. Rather, you need time management tools to be productive and efficient.

The solution to mastering time management lies in using two time management tools that I have created: The Bottom-Line List, which maps out five “bottom line” activities that you need to get done each day and allots 45 minutes for each activity. And, The Time Matrix To-Do List, which is an interruption and task management tool to prioritize all activities into one of four categories: now, today, this week, and whenever.

Remember, once you master your time management you go from being busy to being productive!

Why Finding Your Business Red Flags Works

The reason why finding your business red flags works so well is because it changes your mental state of mind from accepting the norm to striving for improvements. In the Advisor Solutions Podcast Episode #110: Finding Your Business Red Flags, you will find a more detailed account of all these strategies. When you apply them, you will be able to take your business to the next level.

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